Sunday 24 August 2008

News Round-Up

A lot going on in the news and blogs this morning, and so much of it I would love to comment on more, but I would be here all day, so here is a kind of list, and if time permits I'll come back to the most striking articles and write a bit more:

In Argentina, Clarin has images of the ESMA from the 1970s and beyond, marking its designation as a national monument.
Postales de la ESMA, que el Gobierno declaro Monumento Historico (Clarin)

Meanwhile, Pagina/12 is marking tomorrow's 30th anniversary of the abduction of Laura Carlotto, daughter of Estela Carlotto, founder of the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo. In 1987, on the tenth anniversary of her disappearance, Carlotto senior put an advert in the newspaper marking the occasion, and has done so every year since then.
Registros de la ausencia (Pagina/12)

Tyler Bridges at Inside South America has a very interesting piece on the land mines that Pinochet laid around Chile's borders; I had no idea that this had occurred.
Chile: Land Mines

I stumbled across The New World Lusophone Sausophone for the first time and was pleased, because as a non-Portuguese speaker Brazil is a really big gap in my knowledge of South America. Here's the kind of thing that interests me:
Brazil is the only nation on the continent that has not overturned its amnesty law and engaged in the sort of truth and reconciliation process we have seen in Chile and Argentina (and more recently, in the Fujimori case, in Peru.)
"Scenes from an Old Folk's Home for Traumatized Cold Warriors"

The LA Times recalls a US citizen who fought and died in the conflict in El Salvador through his diaries (hat tip to Tim's El Salvador blog for drawing the link to my attention).
An American Adventurer's Death in El Salvador

In Peru, the lawyer representing the victims of Barrios Altos and La Cantuta has asked the authorities and citizens in general to be vigilant during the final phase of Fujimori's trial.
Piden a la ciudadania estar alerta en etapa final de juicio contra Alberto Fujimori (La Republica)

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