Tuesday 24 March 2009

Argentina: 24 of March News Round-up

The Argentine press on the coup anniversary:

Pagina/12's article is Festival y marcha a 33 anos del golpe, plus a special supplement on the current state of human rights in Argentina, which I'll deal with in more detail later if it's worthwhile.

Critica Digital links the commemorations with a national debate on the possible reintroduction of the death penalty, which is not supported by the Madres de Plaza de Mayo: Linea Fundadora or most other human rights organisations. It also has a photo gallery.
Almeida: "Pedimos justicia, jamas se nos occurio la pena de muerte"

Clarin's headline is Masivo acto en Plaza de Mayo por el aniversario del ultimo golpe militar.

Plus, former clandestine detention centre La Perla in Cordoba - the biggest torture centre in the region - was today inaugurated as a Space for Memory. Now that is good news.
Se habilito La Perla como Espacio para la Memoria (La Voz)

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