Saturday 27 February 2010

Peru: Fujimori's Daughter to Wed in Jail

Alberto Fujimori is to give away his youngest daughter Sachi in the Peruvian jail where he is serving a life sentence for human rights abuses.

Keiko Fujimori had previously stated,
"My sister (Sachi) is prepared to marry in the prison yard, the parking lot, or any part of the jail; what she wants is for my father to walk her down the aisle,"
Such petitions are not always met with mercy.

In May 1994, Alberto Fujimori denied current President Alan Garcia's request to return from exile in Colombia for five hours to attend his father's funeral.

His chief of staff, Javier Velasquez, suggested the youngest Fujimori's wedding wish may come true.

"You do not do, in a democracy, the things you do in a dictatorship," Velasquez said. "We are not going to do what they did to us."

And, indeed, permission has now been granted. Fujimori is the only prisoner in the penitential unit of Diroes (Dirección de Operaciones Especiales de la Policía Nacional del Perú) east of Lima and some have complained that he is allowed too many special privileges. The wedding will not quell such concerns, but it does seem to be within prison regulations and reports suggest that Fujimori's "good behaviour" led to the request being approved.

Casamiento en una carcel VIP (Pagina/12 via CNDDHH)
Fujimori daughter wanted jailed dad to walk her down the aisle (AFP)
INPE: se le otorga permiso especial a Fujimori por "buena conducta" (La Republica)
Gobierno concede permiso a hija de Fujimori para que se case en Diroes (La Republica)

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